Thanks Julie. Very interesting article. Unfortunately I lost a low box hedge to the dreaded box moth caterpillar last year. I also have several box balls in my borders which fortunately have survived thanks to treating it with Xentari. Have made a note of the treatment times in my diary so fingers crossed I can keep my remaining plants!
Thanks Julie. Very interesting article. Unfortunately I lost a low box hedge to the dreaded box moth caterpillar last year. I also have several box balls in my borders which fortunately have survived thanks to treating it with Xentari. Have made a note of the treatment times in my diary so fingers crossed I can keep my remaining plants!
Thanks for that helpful info.
I’m hoping the same thing Alison. I rather like the five box balls under our front window.
Well they are certainly preferable to the overgrown shrubs that came above the window sill when we moved in!